Literary Work

Carol Smith is a Seattle writer whose work led the anthology, The Best Creative Nonfiction in 2007. Her poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in literary journals, including The New Guard, Mississippi Review, Hippocampus Magazine, and The Florida Review, among others. She's been a Pushcart Prize nominee and a PEN Literary Award finalist. She's at work on a memoir, an essay collection, and a novel.

There is no distraction here from the story and voice, both of which are direct and without artifice. We are haunted by what the author has lost, which no artifact can pin down or encapsulate or represent, and the simple but dawning realization that while objects matter, memory is both all we have and all we need.
— Jennifer Alise Drew


Object Lessons

Hippocampus Magazine, November 2015

Remember in November contest winner


Literal Latte, Spring 2017

Contest winner

Tearing Down the House

Florida Review, Vol 40.1, Spring 2016

Editors’ Award


Southern Indiana Review, Spring 2016

 Passing Through

Travelers’ Tales


Briar Cliff Review Vol. 29, 2017

Spider Silk

Pooled Ink. Northern Colorado Writers, Anthology


“The Clock Test”